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Push Play - Prevent Suicide
We can all help prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.
Free and confidential. You’ll be connected to a skilled, trained counselor in your area.
You can call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 24/7 at 1-800-273-8255.
VETERANS CRISIS LINE – 1-800-273-8255, PRESS 1 OR TEXT 838255
You can reach the Crisis Text Line 24/7 by texting “START” to 741-741.
You can call The Trevor Project, an LGBT crisis intervention and suicide prevention hotline, 24/7 at 1-866-488-7386.
You can call Trans Lifeline at 877-565-8860 if you live in the U.S. Call 877-330-6366 if you live in Canada.
To find local resources in your area, visit To Write Love On Her Arms.
If you are hard of hearing, you can chat with a Lifeline counselor 24/7 by clicking the Chat button on this page, or you can contact the Lifeline via TTY by dialing 800-799-4889.
To speak to a crisis counselor in Spanish, call 1-888-628-9454.
If you are a veteran (or your loved one is a veteran), you can reach the Veterans Crisis Line by calling 1-800-273-8255 and Pressing 1. You can also send a text to 838255.
Head here for a list of crisis centers around the world.
For additional resources, see the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and SAVE (Suicide Awareness Voices of Education).
You can read the following stories from people who’ve been there:
- If You Feel Like You’re ‘Losing’ to Your Mental Illness, This Is Your Reason to Stay
- For When Your Only Thought Is Suicide
- The Difference Between Wanting to Die and Wanting the Pain to Stop
- Dear Suicidal You
SAFE CALL NOW – 1-206-459-3020 OR 1-877-230-6060
Safe Call Now is a resource for public safety employees to speak confidentially with officers, former law enforcement officers, public safety professionals and/or mental healthcare providers who are familiar with your line of work. CONFIDENTIAL, comprehensive, 24-hour crisis referral service for all public safety employees, all emergency services personnel and their family members nationwide.
SHARE THE LOAD – 1-888-731-3473
A program run by the National Volunteer Fire Council. They have a help line, and have also collected a list of many good resources for people looking for help and support.
speaker 0: 0:00
Hey there, my up and planes listeners. Welcome back to another quick tip Tuesday, but they might turn into a little bit of, ah, longer tip Tuesday. But there's good reason for it. I wanted to get out some discussion about suicide prevention. So while it might not be as quick of a tip as you were thinking, I promise you it's going to be informative. Let's talk about this. Yeah, get uncomfortable. We're talking about it. Let's do it. Okay, let's do this. I know it's little bit uncomfortable, but we're gonna talk about it. All right? Here's what we're doing for talking about it. We're gonna understand suicide a little bit. I'm gonna have an informative discussion with you. Gosh, darn it. Let's talk about some misconceptions really quick. Okay? We don't need to go through all the stats, like how often it happens. You have got to got him. Okay, here's a myth. People who talk about suicide really won't do it. Fact, almost everyone who attempt suicide has given some clear warning. Don't ignore even indirect references to death or suicide statements like you'll be sorry when I'm gone. I can't see any way out. No, matter how casually or jokingly said they might indicate serious suicidal feelings. Myth. Anyone who tries to kill themselves must be crazy. Fact. Most suicidal people are not psychotic or insane. They're upset, grief stricken, depressed or despairing. But extreme distress and emotional pain are not necessarily signs of mental illness. Myth. If someone is determined to kill themselves, that thing is going to stop them. Fact, even a very severely depressed person has mixed feelings about death, fluctuating between wanting to live and wanting to die rather than wanting death. They just want the pain to stop, and the impulse to in their lives doesn't last forever. Myth. People who died by suicide are people who were unwilling to seek help. Fact. Many people try to get help before attempting suicide. In fact, studies indicate that more than 50% of suicide victims had sought medical hope in the six months prior to their deaths. Myth. Talking about suicide may give someone the idea fact. You don't give someone suicidal ideas by talking about suicide. Rather, the opposite is true. Talking openly and honestly about suicidal thoughts and feelings can actually help save a life. All right, now what are the warning signs of suicide. So take any suicidal talker behavior seriously, take it seriously, even if it's just like a chit chat about somebody else. Or, you know, you really got to kind of have your radar up. It's not just a warning sign that the person is thinking about suicide. It's a cry for help, you know, and doesn't. Just because we talked about suicide doesn't mean I'm suicidal. Come in, you know, come help me. I mean, especially when it's happening in our surroundings. We just need to talk about it, too. Just because you want to talk about it doesn't mean you're suicidal. Most suicidal individuals give warning signs or signals of their intentions. The best way to prevent suicide is to recognize these warning signs and know how to respond if you spot them. If you believe that a friend or a family member is suicidal, you can play a role in suicide prevention by pointing out the alternatives showing that you care and getting a doctor psychologist involved sometimes just a subtle mention. It doesn't even have to be pointed at them, but just talking or doing something that they love or care about might spark something in their mind and override some of the really rough feelings that they're having inside. Major warning signs for suicide include talking about killing or harming one cell, talking or writing a lot about death or dying, and seeking out things that could be used in a suicide attempt. Such a cz. Weapons and drugs. These signals are even more dangerous if the person has a mood disorders such as depression or bipolar disorder. Suffers from alcohol dependence, is previously attempted suicide or has a family history of suicide. A more subtle but equally dangerous warning sign and suicide is hopelessness. Studies have found that hopelessness is a strong predictor of suicide. People who feel hopeless may talk about unbearable feelings, predict a bleak future and state that they have nothing to look forward to. Other warning signs that point to a suicidal mind frame include dramatic mood swings or sudden personality changes such as switching from outgoing, toe withdrawn or well behaved too rebellious. A suicidal person may also lose interest in day to day activities, neglect his air here appearance and show big changes in eating or sleeping habits. Suicide warning signs include talking about suicide. Any talk about suicide, dying or self harm such is I wish I hadn't been born if I see you again or I'd be better off dead seeking out lethal means seeking access to guns, pills, knives or other objects that could be used in a suicide attempt, preoccupation with death, unusual focus on death, dying or violence, writing poems or stories about death. No hope for the future feelings of helplessness, hopelessness and being trapped. There's no way out believing that things will never get better. A change. Self loathing and self hatred. Feelings of worthlessness, guilt, shame and self hatred. Feeling like a burden. Everyone would be better off without me getting their affairs in order. Making out a will. Giving away prize possessions, making arrangements for family members saying goodbye unusual or unexpected visits or calls to family and friends saying goodbye to people as if they won't be seen again. Sometimes these air not recognizable until after the fact, and then people look back and realize what was happening. Self destructive behavior, increased alcohol or drug use, reckless driving, unsafe sex. Taking unnecessary risks is if they have a death wish, a sudden sense of calm. A sudden sense of calm and happiness after being extremely depressed can mean that the person has made a decision to attempt suicide. Let's go over some tips. Suicide prevention Tip number one. Speak up If you're worried, if you spot the warning signs of suicide and someone you care about, you may wonder if it's a good idea to say anything. What if you're wrong? What if the person gets angry in such situations? It's natural to feel uncomfortable or afraid. But anyone who talks about suicide or shows warning science needs immediate help. The sooner the better. Talking to a friend or family member about their suicidal thoughts and feelings can be extremely difficult for anyone. But if you're unsure whether someone is suicidal, the best way to find out is to ask. You can't make a person suicidal by showing them that to care. In fact, giving a suicidal person the opportunity to express her his or her feelings can provide relief from loneliness and pent up negative feelings and may prevent a suicide attempt. Now, on this kind of a side note, you know the problem is that so many people go dark and quiet because they don't want anybody to know that they're thinking about it. Because then if they are called outer, if somebody brings the bowel and gets everybody involved like so and so is thinking about killing, killing themselves, it can, like, stop life as you know it, right? Next thing you know, you're you know what? If you're being put on a medical hold or what if you know what if it your job relies on, okay, lets you guys take all that out of your head for a minute. Take it all out because I want you to forget about that. And I want you to just go and talk to them going up to a friend. You don't have to go call an 800 number the police, or alert their entire family right away. But going up to one of your peers and just saying, Hey, man, have you been thinking about harming yourself? Yeah, just a straight up question. Just straight out. Lay it out there. You know, you'd be surprised it it might show him that you care that someone cares, and it might give him an opportunity to open up realizing that maybe talking about it doesn't mean that they're gonna hold off in a straitjacket like they're worried about me. They'll be willing to talk a little bit more. No ways to start a conversation about suicide. You can say I've been feeling concerned about you lately. Recently have noticed some differences in you and I wondered how you're doing. I wanted to check in with you because you haven't seemed yourself lately. So if you don't want to go straight to the Are you thinking about hurting yourself? You know those air someone's that you can dabble in questions you can ask is when did you begin feeling like this that something happened to make you start feeling this way? How can I best support you right now? Have you thought about getting help? What you can say that helps. You are not alone in this. I'm here for you. You may not believe it now, but the way you're feeling will change. I may not be able to understand exactly how you feel, but I do care about you and I want to help you. When you want to give up, tell yourself you will hold off for just one more day hour minute. Whatever you can manage now, when talking to a suicidal person, do be yourself. Let the person know that you care that they're not alone finding the right words or nearly as important as showing your concern. Listen, let your friend or your loved one vent and unload their feelings. No matter how negative the conversation seems, the fact that it is taking place is a positive sign. Be sympathetic and non judgmental. The suicidal person is doing the right thing by talking about their feelings, no matter how difficult it may be, too. Here. Offer hope. Reassure your loved one that help is available that the suicidal feelings or temporary let the person know that their life is important to you. Take the person seriously. If a suicidal person says things like, I'm so depressed, I can't go on. Ask if they're having suicidal thoughts. Are they thinking of hurting themselves? You're allowing them to share their pain with you, not putting ideas in their head. But don't don't argue with the suicidal person. Avoid saying things like you have so much to live for. Your suicide will hurt your family or just snap out of it. Think about what you leave behind. Don't act shocked, lecture on the value of life or argue that suicide is wrong. Promised confidentiality or be sworn to secrecy. Don't do that. Ah, life is at stake, and you may need to speak to a mental health professional in order to keep the suicidal person safe. If you promise to keep your discussion secret, you may have to break your word, so be prepared for that offer. Don't offer ways to fix your loved ones. Problems. Give advice or make them feel like they have to justify their suicidal feelings. It's not about how bad the problem is, but how badly it's hurting your friend or loved one. You can't just fix it. You can't put a Band Aid on it, so don't try that. That's not what's going on. Don't blame yourself. You can't fix someone else's depression, your friend or loved ones. Happiness or lack thereof is not your responsibility. Tip, too. Respond quickly in a crisis. If a friend or family member tells you that he or she is thinking about death or suicide, it's important to evaluate the immediate danger and that the persons in those at the highest risk for committing suicide in the near future have specific suicide plan, the means to carry out the plan and a time set for doing it and an intention to do it. It's true, you guys there there is a plan that they will all work up. Not all of them. But most will already have the plan worked up in their head. The following questions you can assess for immediate risk of suicide is Do you have a suicide plan? Do you have what you need to carry out your plan? Pills, guns, et cetera. Do you have the means? Do you know when you're going to do it? Do they have the time set? Do you intend to take your own life? Intention. There's a whole breakdown of the level of suicide risk. Low, some suicidal thoughts. No suicide plan says he or she won't attempt it. Moderate, suicidal thoughts. Vague plan is a very lethal, says he or she won't attempt suicide. High suicidal thoughts. Specific plan that's highly lethal. Says he or she won't attempt suicide and severe suicidal thoughts. Specific plan that is highly lethal says he or she will attempt suicide. If suicide attempt is imminent, call a local crisis centre, dial 911 or take the person to an emergency room, removed guns, knives, drugs and other potentially lethal objects from the vicinity. But do not, under any circumstances, leave the suicidal person alone. Tip Number three Offer help and support. If a friend or family member is suicidal, the best way to get help is by offering an empathetic listening year. Let your loved one know that he or she is not alone and that you care. Don't take responsibility, however, for healing your left one. You can offer support, but you can't make a suicidal person. Get better. He or she has to make a personal commitment to recovery. It takes a lot of courage to help someone who was suicidal. Witnessing a loved one dealing with thoughts about ending is his or her own life. Construct many difficult emotions as you're helping a suicidal person. Don't forget to take care of yourself. Find someone that you trust a friend or a family member, a clergyman or a counselor to talk to you about your feelings and get support your own, even if it's just appear to help a suicidal person get professional help. Do everything in your power to get a suicidal person to the help to the help that he or she needs. Call a crisis line for advice and referrals. Encourage the person to see a mental health professional. Help locate a treatment facility or take him to a doctor's appointment. Follow up on treatment. If the doctor prescribes the medication, make sure your friend or loved one takes it is directed. Be aware of possible side effects and be sure to notify. The position of the person seems to be getting worse. It often takes time and persistence to find the medication and therapy that's right for a particular person. Be proactive. Those contemplating suicide often don't believe that they could be helped. So you may have to be more proactive in offering assistance, saying, Call me if you need anything is too vague. Don't wait for the person to call you or even to return your calls. Drop by colleague in Invite them out. Encourage positive lifestyle changes. See if you can't get him outside with you into the sun. To get a little bit of exercise releases, endorphins relieves stress and promotes emotional well being. Make a safety plan. Help the person develop a set of steps that he or she promises to follow during a suicidal crisis. It should identify any triggers that may lead to a crisis, such as an anniversary of a loss. Alcohol or stress from relationships also include contact numbers for the person's doctor therapists, as well as a friends and family member number who will be able to help them in an emergency. Remove potential means of suicide, such as pills, knives, razors, firearms. I know you can't get rid of everything but the stuff that's obvious. Let's get it out of the house. If the person is likely to take an overdose, keep medications locked away or give them out only as a person needs some. Help them by helping them ration them. Continue your support over the long haul. Even after the immediate immediate suicidal crisis is past, Stay in touch with the person periodically checking in or dropping by. Your support is vital to ensure your friend or loved one remains on the recovery track. Risk factors. Depression in particular, plays a large role in suicide. The difficulty that suicidal people have. Imagining a solution to their suffering is due to in part of the distorted thinking caused by depression and depression can be really hard to spot in people. Sometimes it's amazing how well a lot of people can hide it and seem like everything's gonna be okay. We can all help prevent suicide. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is not just for people who are suicidal. You can also call it if you know of someone and you weren't sure what to do to help them. So that's 1 802 738255 802 73 Talk or you can go to their website. It's suicide prevention lifeline dot warg and check out more information there. There are a lot of other resource is as well that I'm gonna list in the show notes. If you're looking for more information or other foundations and lines to call, there's so many good people out there doing amazing things volunteers, foundations that are here to help you. Everyone plays a role in suicide prevention, all of us. It's all about peer support watching out for each other. So with that in mind, you guys check out the show. Notes. You got the number I just gave you. There's gonna be more resource is in there and just do whatever you can to help each other. And thank you for listening to this. Thank you for carrying enough to tap on this and listen to something that talks about suicide. It's a hard, really hard subject, but we got to be uncomfortable to help each other out with that, You guys choose the hard right over easy silence. When it comes to helping someone ask him if they're okay. Find out what you can do. Thanks for being here. It up in flames and lead with fire.